a mental health counselor in professional clothing talks with a young client while sitting on a comfortable couch

Counseling 服务

Counseling 服务 creates a safe, welcoming environment for exploring yourself and developing strategies that support your mental health. A staff of qualified providers offers short-term counseling to individuals and groups. The counseling center serves all Regis students who are currently attending full-time, in-person classes.

Have a suggestion for how we can improve or services you'd like us to offer? Questions about our services? Share your input with us.


Make an Appointment


Use the 学生 Health Portal


我的day星期五day 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

a counselor writes in her notebook while patient sits on a sofa talking


All services are free of charge and confidential to eligible students. A professional staff of licensed and qualified psychologists and counselors provides both short- and long-term individual and group counseling. Counseling 服务 also provides educational and process-oriented groups, workshops and presentations designed to promote development in the areas of communication skills, dating and relationship issues, adjustment to college life, assertiveness training and other relevant topics upon request.

Learn More 最好的网上赌博十大网赌网站 我们的服务

hands in the center for a huddle

Commitment to Diversity

The term "diversity" affirms our faith-inspired commitment to build an inclusive community that values the dignity and contributions of all our members. In this community, all human beings thrive in a learning environment characterized by the Jesuit traditions of mutual respect and the pursuit of justice. 年龄, 性别, 种族/民族, class, 残疾, sexual orientation, religion and other human differences contribute to the richness and vitality of our living community.


Mayra Velázquez Rosario

Associate Director of Counseling 服务




Staff Psychologist

Exterior view of the Coors Center which houses Counseling 服务
Counseling 服务 

地点: 库尔斯中心114 | 查看地图

小时: 我的.星期五. 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

我的. 1-2 p.m.
星期二. 9-10 a.m.
结婚. 10-11 a.m. 3-4个p.m.
星期四. 2-3 p.m.
星期五. 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Contact and Appointments: 303.458.3558 | hcc@sterlingpinescondo.com
After hours and on weekends, our phone is answered by mental health professionals to assist you 24/7.